How to achieve a Hume Doors seal of approval

One of the most important things to remember about your new doors is that they need to be sealed prior to painting – no matter if they are interior or exterior products. That means your new entryway is only as good as its door seal! 

We try to stress this to all Hume customers. But sadly we see far too many DIYers miss this crucial step. Sometimes people forget to seal their doors due to a rushed build or project. And others simply aren’t aware of the need to seal every surface of any new door – all four sides and both faces. Even products like our Pre Hung Interior need sealing before installation.  

Why seal your new door? 

All of our products use natural timber. This is a material greatly affected by moisture, extreme weather and changes in the environment. So neglecting to seal your new door leaves it open to the possibility of cracking, warping or even rotting.  

An unsealed door stands no chance against the elements. And you’re almost guaranteeing it a short lifespan if you don’t seal it! Trials have shown timber primed and protected by the method laid out in the distributor’s instructions outlast and perform better than those sealed inadequately.

Doors that have been sealed or primed also tend to hold on to their paint or stain better. This means your product stays looking great. So you get value for money from your paint! 

Sealing a door 

The first step is to ensure you’re working with the door product alone. If you’ve attached hinges, locks or any other accessories, they need to be removed.  

All surfaces should be covered – no matter what! It’s important the top, bottom and sides of the door receive the same attention as the door faces. And you should stay consistent by applying the same number of coats to all sides.  

Ongoing care 

Door maintenance is necessary for long term performance. In addition, we recommend regular inspections. At the first sign of deterioration, your door needs to be refinished, making sure all surfaces receive a proper resealing and repainting. 

Regularly cleaning your door with a soft cloth is also beneficial, as long as you don’t use any harsh chemicals or solvents. Give your door the best protection possible, so it can survive the harsh Aussie weather.

And for more information on door seals, or to discuss the sealing process, get in touch with our friendly team today.