Hume Doors & Timber (Victoria) is proud to be the National Employment Services Association (NESA) Champion Employer of the Year for 2019.
The Award recognises employers who go the extra mile to offer employment opportunities to disadvantaged job seekers.
The team at Hume were nominated for the award by WISE Employment – a not-for-profit employment agency that each year helps more than 10,000 people with a disability or mental illness, migrants and refugees the training and support to transition into the workforce.
Hume Doors & Timber (Victoria) Operations Manager Paul Harding accepted the award on behalf of the team.
“The Hume Team are very proud of the diverse nature of our workplace,” Paul said. “It’s a privilege to work with WISE Employment and provide opportunities to those faced with challenging life circumstances to show what they can achieve.”
Head of Employer Engagement for WISE, Souzan Asfour, said Hume was a well-deserving winner.
“Fourteen years of loyalty and support from an employer that has embraced diversity and given an employment opportunity to people that often go unnoticed,” Souzan said.
“Thank you so much for your support, patience and most of all for giving our candidates the chance to prove their ability and shine through employment!”
The NESA Champion of the Year Award is supported by the Australian Government Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business.
Hume was presented the honour during a Gala Awards Dinner as part of the NESA National Conference held in Melbourne in August 2019.