With the summer season starting up, have you checked your bushfire rating of your home?

The protection of your home is essential – even more so when living in harsh weather conditions. In Australia, a bush or grass fire can happen at any time and spread rapidly

So, our renovation expert Naomi Findlay has given some great advice on how to know your bushfire rating and then how to prepare your home this bushfire season.

Why should your home meet bushfire standards?

Bushfires are a major challenge for Australia, especially the community areas that are prone to bushfire conditions. 

Naomi says the external home and frames must meet Australian bushfire prone standards. The aim of these standards is to improve home resistance to bushfire attacks, burning embers, radiant heat and flames. 

Understanding BAL

BAL, also known as Bushfire Attack Levels, is the measurement of the severity of the building to undergo the risk of a fire. BAL levels are based on factors such as:

  • Air temperature,
  • Humidity levels,
  • Wind speed,
  • Drought impact,
  • Surrounding vegetation and;
  • Slope and direction of land

Understanding the concept of BAL of your homesite is important if you are undergoing new construction or renovating your existing home.

Get in touch with your local fire services to get a full report on your home. This way you’ll know your home’s bushfire rating and if it complies with Australian standards.

To learn more about BAL levels, check out our blog here.

Choosing the right door and door frame system for you

Choosing the right door and frame system to ensure it is a right fit for your home is essential to meet your needs and bushfire standards.

Hume Doors and Timber have a comprehensive range of doors and frame systems that are designed and manufactured to meet the specific regulatory requirements of building in designated bushfire zones as specified in Australian Standard AS3959.

All of our BAL products MUST be installed as per AS3959 to be BAL compliant.  

Our collection of bushfire resistant doors and frames vary from BAL 12.5 doors and frames that are suitable for low levels of risk of ember attack. To our BAL19 & 29, and our BAL40 door and frame ranges that are more suitable for moderate to extreme exposure to ember attacks and ignition of debris. 

If you would like to learn more about bushfire ratings and tips on how to prepare your home to meet bushfire standards, follow Naomi on Instagram, give her a like on Facebook or subscribe to her YouTube channel.

Does your home meet bushfire standards? Check out our range of BAL door systems on our website so you can be summer ready!